Branding Guidance

We have produced the following guidelines for organisations which become Registered Signatories to the Charter. These are to be used for any internal/external communications which are undertaken with regards to being a Registered Signatory. You are required to adhere to these guidelines at all times.

The use or reproduction of the Building a Safer Future Charter logo is not permitted.

When planning any communication for internal/external use, you may use the following text in relation to being a Registered Signatory:

“[Your organisation’s name] is pleased to become a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. [Your organisation’s name] recognises that becoming a Registered Signatory is an important first step towards achieving the culture and behavioural change required in relation to the Charter’s objectives around building safety. In confirming our support as a Registered Signatory, we will now be working to ensure that we embed the principles of the Charter into our organisation’s activities.”

Please be aware – Registered Signatories may not make any claims in relation to building safety as a result of their status, and being a Registered Signatory of the Charter does not represent any endorsement of an organisations approach to building safety.