What is an
Individual Supporter?

Individual Supporters are individuals who have a direct interest in building safety and who support the ambition and vision of the Charter but do not need to directly demonstrate their compliance to the Charter commitments.

Individual Supporters can express their support and interest in the Charter and make a valuable and active contribution to the Charter Community. They can fully participate in its activities, including accessing and uploading content and resources in the Learning and Excellence Hub.

Who can Become an Individual Supporter?

These are individuals such as:

•Academics working in construction related fields
•Employees of industry organisations
•Freelance workers
•Individual members of professional bodies, trade and membership associations e.g. retired
•People working in the wider ‘safety’ community e.g. Fire Officers
•Sole Traders
•Students studying for construction or building safety related qualifications.

What are the Benefits
of Becoming an
Individual Supporter?

When committing to become a Building a Safer Future Individual Supporter you:

•Become a member of the Charter Learning Community
•Have access to the Charter ‘Learning and Excellence Hub’
•Have the opportunity to provide relevant content for the ‘Learning and Excellence Hub’
•Can attend and/or sponsor Charter events
•Receive the Charter e-newsletter.

Plus, Unlimited access
to the Learning and
Excellence Hub

The Learning and Excellence Hub is at the heart of the Charter and is a crucial new learning community which will increasingly become the de facto access point for all relevant sources of best practice information, resources and tools in relation to building safety. It is only accessible to Registered Signatories, Corporate Supporters, and Individual Supporters.

It provides a mechanism for the members of that learning community to share, discuss and collaborate together in order to collectively raise standards and help the industry to go above and beyond regulatory compliance.

Through access to the Learning and Excellence Hub you can share and celebrate examples of best practice through, for example, video interviews, blogs, articles and case studies commissioned and self-generated by the Charter community.

The Learning and Excellence Hub also acts as a portal to sign-post you to an array of crucial information and resources on latest developments in relation to Building Safety from a range of syndicated content partners.


In order that cost should not be a barrier to entry there is a nominal fee to become an Individual Supporter payable annually (unless you are a student).

The fees to become an Individual

*must be registered on a programme of study leading to a qualification
**one-off fee for the duration of your study

The above fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

 The fees to become an Individual Supporter

*must be registered on a programme of study leading to a qualification
**one-off fee for the duration of your study


The above fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

How do I Become an Individual Supporter?

You can become an Individual Supporter by completing the online form and making your payment by clicking on the Register Here button below.