What is a Corporate Supporter?

The Building a Safer Future Charter is a crucial part of the response to the Grenfell Tower disaster. 

The Charter and its five commitments, with leadership and culture change at their heart, are so societally crucial, that even though they apply to companies and organisations in the built environment sector, they also have relevance to, and garner support from, a broader community of interest.

Non-built environment organisations, such as national or cross-sectoral bodies, who whilst not directly involved have an interest in, key interface with, or influence over the sector and wish to express their support for the principles of the Charter and contribute to its learning community and the Charter’s development.

Who can become a Corporate Supporter?

Organisations can express their interest and support for the vision and ethos of the Charter by becoming Corporate Supporters (non-sector specific).  Corporate Supporters may include:

• Government Departments

• Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs)

• Professional bodies from non-built environment sectors with a broader interest in major accident or hazard safety

• National institutions 

• Standards setting, quality or assurance bodies. 


Benefits of becoming a Corporate Supporter

Corporate supporters receive:

• Their logo displayed on the Corporate Supporters section of the BSF Charter website (linked to your own website)
• Access to the Charter Learning and Excellence Hub and community
• Periodic updates on the development of the Charter
Opportunities to participate in relevant events.

Plus, Unlimited access to the Learning and Excellence Hub

The Learning and Excellence Hub is at the heart of the Charter and is a crucial new learning community which will increasingly become the de facto access point for all relevant sources of best practice information, resources and tools in relation to building safety. It is only accessible to Registered Signatories, Corporate Supporters, and Individual Supporters.

It provides a mechanism for the members of that learning community to share, discuss and collaborate together in order to collectively raise standards and help the industry to go above and beyond regulatory compliance.

Through access to the Learning and Excellence Hub you can share and celebrate examples of best practice through, for example, video interviews, blogs, articles and case studies commissioned and self-generated by the Charter community.

The Learning and Excellence Hub will also act as a portal to sign-post you to an array of crucial information and resources on latest developments in relation to Building Safety from a range of syndicated content partners.


Corporate Supporters pay a concessionary fee of £250 plus VAT.


How do I become a Corporate Supporter?

To apply to become a Corporate Supporter of the Building a Safer Future Charter please e-mail for details.