1.  What is a Registered Signatory?
Companies, organisations and individuals can become Registered Signatories to the Building a Safer Future Charter. In doing so they can show their support for the Charter and its commitments. By signing up, Registered Signatories are also making a demonstration of their commitment to putting people’s safety first, above all other priorities.

Being a Registered Signatory is a commitment to become part of a learning community. It does not confer any rights to make claims about, nor is it an endorsement of the effectiveness of a company, organisation or individual’s approach to building safety. Promotion of being a Registered Signatory for example, using the logo or any other brand asset is not permitted.

2. What is the process for becoming a Registered Signatory? 
Companies and organisations can apply to become Registered Signatories here. The application process involves the head of the organisation, e.g. Chief Executive, Managing Director or similar, signing a Charter Declaration, committing their organisation to supporting  the Charter and its Commitments. Full details of the Commitments are available here.

3. How much does it cost to become a Registered Signatory?
The Building a Safer Future Charter has been set up as a not-for-profit entity (Building a Safer Future Ltd). As a not-for-profit entity, there is a nominal fee based on an organisation’s annual turnover, to contribute to the administration and future development of the Charter and delivery of its Learning and Excellence Hub and other resources and updates. Full details for fees can be found here.

Additional fees, for new or additional services and products may apply as the Charter develops.  There is no obligation or commitment for Registered Signatories to access these if they chose not to.

4. How do I upload suggestions for content on the Learning and Excellence Hub?
To upload suggestions for content onto the Learning and Excellence Hub please complete the form here.

5. I am interested in accessing the Learning and Excellence Hub for useful building safety content, how do I do that? 
To be able to access the Learning and Excellence Hub requires Registered Signatory or Charter Supporter status. To become a Registered Signatory or Charter Supporter, apply here.

6. As a Registered Signatory can colleagues sign up as well?
Included in your company registration fee is up to four additional named account logins to enable access to the Learning & Excellence Hub. Additional L&E Hub logins are available at £50.00 per login.

The first person to register is automatically allocated as the membership administrator and will need to add the names and email addresses of the colleagues that they wish to sign up using the ‘Manage Members’ link on your membership home page.

If you have a question or query in relation to the Building a Safer Future Charter that you would like answered, please complete the FAQ form below.

Thank you for your interest in the Building a Safer Future Charter.