What is a Registered Signatory?

When an organisation signs up to the Building a Safer Future Charter and becomes a Charter Registered Signatory, it means they are making a commitment and will work proactively to ‘live’ the five key commitments of the Charter.

By becoming a Charter Registered Signatory you will be: 

• Demonstrating your organisation’s real commitment to driving cultural change in building safety
• Communicating a strong and positive statement of support for the vision of the Charter and it’s five commitments to the public, government, your clients, co-workers and supply chain as well as the rest of the industry
• Committing to collaboration through submitting and using the resources on the Learning and Excellence Hub
• Beginning a journey to learning and excellence in building safety.

As becoming a Registered Signatory is not just a ‘tick-box’ exercise, but a serious organisational undertaking, it is important that the commitment is backed up by action.  When becoming a Registered Signatory it is a requirement that a senior representative signs the Charter commitment declaration on behalf of their organisation.  In doing so,  they are making a declaration, at the highest level, that their organisation is committed to putting safety first above all other considerations.

Who can become a Registered Signatory?

Signing-up to the Building a Safer Future Charter is open to both organisations and individuals who work in or have a professional connection or interest in the UK built environment. It applies to any organisation involved in pre, during and post construction activity (including maintenance and residential/community organisations). This may include, but is not limited to:

• Academia, such as construction, engineering, architecture etc. departments and students
• Clients of construction activity (non-building owners)
• Community Groups
• Construction companies and their supply chains (including sub-contractors, specialists, building materials, products and service providers)
• Duty Holders
• Housing Associations
• Housing management and building maintenance companies
• Industry membership bodies
• Local Authorities
• Professional institutes
• Professional services to built environment (such as Chartered Engineers, Chartered Surveyors, etc.)
• Public Bodies
• Regulators
• Residents Associations and Resident Groups
• Those who may be involved in producing or contributing to Safety Case Reports
• Training providers

What are the benefits of becoming a Registered Signatory?

Charter Registered Signatories are able to:

• Have their organisation name/logo entered on to the ‘Register of Building a Safer Future Charter Signatories’ listed on Registered Signatories section of this website
• Enjoy exclusive access to use resources and provide content for the Learning and Excellence Hub
• Receive regular Charter Signatory newsletters containing the latest information and updates
• Receive invitations to, and opportunities to sponsor, future Building a Safer Future Charter events
• Be able to be amongst the first to progress to other categories of Building a Safer Future Charter engagement as these are launched.

Being a Registered Signatory is a commitment to become part of a learning community. It does not confer any rights to make claims about, nor is it an endorsement of the effectiveness of a company, organisation or individual’s approach to building safety. Promotion of being a Registered Signatory for example, using the logo or any other brand asset is not permitted.

Plus, Unlimited access to the Learning and Excellence Hub

The Learning and Excellence Hub is at the heart of the Charter and is a crucial new learning community which will increasingly become the de facto access point for all relevant sources of best practice information, resources and tools in relation to building safety. It is only accessible to Registered Signatories, Corporate Supporters, and Individual Supporters.

It provides a mechanism for the members of that learning community to share, discuss and collaborate together in order to collectively raise standards and help the industry to go above and beyond regulatory compliance.

Through access to the Learning and Excellence Hub you can share and celebrate examples of best practice through, for example, video interviews, blogs, articles and case studies commissioned and self-generated by the Charter community.

The Learning and Excellence Hub will also act as a portal to sign-post you to an array of crucial information and resources on latest developments in relation to Building Safety from a range of syndicated content partners.

Sign-up Fees

Fees are applicable for each organisation becoming a Charter Signatory.

As a not-for-profit organisation sign-up to the Charter incurs a nominal fee. This is to cover administration costs, develop the Charter and resources, including the Learning and Excellence Hub, and to communicate the commitment which those signed-up to the Charter have made.

The fees to become a Registered Signatory are based on your organisations annual turnover in the last financial year as follows:

Included in this fee is up to four named account logins to the Learning & Excellence Hub for use within the Charter Signatory’s organisation. Additional L&E Hub logins are available at £50.00 per login. (All fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate)

Additional fees, for new or additional services and products may apply as the Charter develops in the future. There is no obligation or commitment for Registered Signatories to access these if they choose not to.

Concessionary Fees

For organisations which fall within the types listed below, a concessionary fee of £250.00 is payable.

• Academic Institutions
• Charities, NGOs and not-for-profit organisations
• Government Departments
• Professional and Membership Bodies
• Public and Statutory Bodies
• Regulators
• Residents Associations
• Trade Associations

Flat-rate fee payers also receive up to 4 named account logins with additional logins available for £50.00 per login. (All fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate).

How do I Become a Charter Signatory?

You can become a registered signatory by completing the online form and making your payment by clicking on the Register Here button below.

Aside from your contact details, you will also need your company’s annual turnover for the last financial year (if you are not eligible for the concessionary rate) in order to complete your registration.

You will also be asked for the name and e-mail address of your organisation’s Chief Executive, Managing Director, or most senior representative who will sign the Charter Commitments declaration on behalf of your organisation.

If you wish to register separate subsidiary companies or divisions using the same BSF Charter membership admin contact and e-mail address please contact and we will be pleased to assist you with that process.